
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

B Stellar and Be You!

B Stellar and Be You!

Our model Stephanie!!  Is she not the cutest! You can find her atwww.krusingthroughthekhaos.com  

Our model Stephanie!!  Is she not the cutest! You can find her at


So fun watching them work and playing dress up!

So fun watching them work and playing dress up!

Starbucks and earrings!  Yes please!  Earrings at www.bstellar.co

Starbucks and earrings!  Yes please!  Earrings at www.bstellar.co

I honestly had not planned on blogging today, but after the amazing day I had yesterday, well, I just had too!  Yesterday, I got to play with Jewelry and dress a model and help a photographer!  As a boy mom, I promise you this is a day in paradise for me!  A day away from stinky soccer shoes, stinky dance shoes, and stinky six year old boy clothes!  AHHHHHH HEAVEN!  I AM IN HEAVEN!!!!!

My extremely talented and gorgeous niece has a jewelry line that I asked my adorable friend Stephanie to model for and blog about. (you can find her blog at www.krusingthroughthekhaos.com)  Yall it was so much fun that I just have to share it with you now!  

Meet my niece Misty!

Meet my niece Misty!

First, I would like to brag about my niece.  Her name is Misty and she is an artist.  She paints, she draws, she is a mom and a wife and she is so talented.  She draws most of her inspiration from nature, however, she gets ideas daily from everything around her.  She has an amazing eye and everything she does is "line driven".  I honestly have ZERO idea what that means, however if you are an artist I am sure you do.  All I know is I LOVE HER STUFF! I think you will too!    

I played dress up too!  LOVE THESE EARRINGS!www.bstellar.co

I played dress up too!  LOVE THESE EARRINGS!


The name of her company is B.Stellar and she pretty much came up with the idea because her maiden name is Misty Burns.  The B is for Burns, and Stellar, well....the definition of Stellar is:

Exceptionally good, outstanding, marvelous, superb!

So BAM!  B.Stellar-it is her call to action for "Be"....Be something EXCEPTIONAL!  

Penny Lane!  Love this three chain necklace!  Called the Penny lane because the hand is holding a compass...meaning behind it...a girl does not know who she is until she finds her way holding a compasswww.bstellar.co

Penny Lane!  Love this three chain necklace!  Called the Penny lane because the hand is holding a compass...meaning behind it...a girl does not know who she is until she finds her way holding a compass


I love that she is empowering people subliminally through her jewelry!  So cool!  Only an Artist could do that!  And an even cooler fact is all the pieces are named after women of influence, women she knows, or women in art.  There are some men's Artist names that she uses as well, but only if they stand out to her.  

Is she not the cutest?!  Necklace and Earrings B.Stellarwww.bstellar.co

Is she not the cutest?!  Necklace and Earrings B.Stellar


Our amazing photographer Lorena www.helloellegee.com

Our amazing photographer Lorena 


Her Jewelry really is amazing!   If you like what you see, just go to her website at www.bstellar.co and use AMYBERRY as your code and you will get free shipping!  Perfect timing for the holidays!  

This is a one of a kind so if you like it message me and I will get a price for you.  Just think....you could be the only one in the world with this beauty!

This is a one of a kind so if you like it message me and I will get a price for you.  Just think....you could be the only one in the world with this beauty!


Happy Shopping!




Faith of Bee-rad and G money

Faith of Bee-rad and G money

Ju Ju's Taco Soup

Ju Ju's Taco Soup