
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

The More You Read, The More You Know

The More You Read, The More You Know

When I decided to start this blog, I thought to myself,  "I should start reading more." because in my head,  this will make me a better writer, so I set a goal of two books a month and I got to work.  

The truth is I LOVE to read, but with my busy life it just gets put on the wayside.  I have to say I LOVE this goal of 2 books because

A. it is a doable goal and

B. it is reminding me of my passion of reading...I love it when I pick up a good book and get lost in it!  

I mean come on... I  get to COMPLETELY forget about my reality and I fall into someone else's!  And the best thing is I get to make them look and talk however I want!  I LOVE that!  

I also love it when I pick up a good book that helps me when I am in a rut or a dark place.  After my mom died, I was in such a dark place and my world was in slow motion.  One day I read about a book on a friend's social media page, that I  ran out that day got it.  It has helped me so much that I have given it to at least 4 people going through some rough times.  And it was after reading that book that I decided to dive in and do this blog that I had been playing with for months. 

Reading for me can be very entertaining, it can be healing, and it can be a much needed escape. It can be these things for you too!  Will you join me on my journey and read with me?  

I promise you will find yourself lost in some amazing make believe worlds that you get to dream up all by yourself in your quiet space!    Now, I can't promise that every book will be good, but I will do my best! And on the flip side if you have a book that you love, please tell me about it and I will read it as well!  After all...


The more that you read the more things that you will know....the more that you learn the more places you'll go!

Dr. Seuss




September Book Review - Three Books I Can't Stop Recommending

September Book Review - Three Books I Can't Stop Recommending

Even at the DMV, there are Angels Among Us

Even at the DMV, there are Angels Among Us