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My Latest Book Reviews:  October Book Club

My Latest Book Reviews: October Book Club

I started October off with a book that I actually picked up in August to read on my cruise and boy am I glad I did not!  The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware...This is a story about a young lady that takes a cruise for work and realizes the gal in the cabin next door has gone missing.  From that moment on this book takes a lot of twist and turns.  While I enjoyed reading this book, towards the end I did find it to be a little ridiculous. With that being said, I finished it and glad I did because the truth is I really enjoyed it until about 3/4 of the way through.  Then I got a little bored because the story got a little wacky for me and unbelievable.  I would still suggest this book because I did enjoy taking this eerie cruise with the main Character Lo out in the deep, blue, waters and you may too!

After being somewhat disappointed by my first choice, I decided to choose a book I thought would be a feel good easy read.  Man did I pick it!  The Blue Bistro by Elin Hilderbrand.  If you have ever read and of Hilderbrand's book you will know that they all take place in Nantucket and for the most part she never disappoints.  Sometimes her books get a little long for me, but this one was fantastic!  I could not put it down!  Every time I opened my book I found myself hungry for food and hungry for more of the story.  The story takes place, like all of her books, in Nantucket, at the hottest restaurant in town.  The main Character Adrienne has just moved there and finds herself working in the restaurant business for the first time in her life, but it was not a far stretch as she has been in hotel management most of her adult life.  As the story unfolds you learn the restaurant is in it's final season and the mystery of why begins to unfold.  Of course there is a little love story on the side with many other little side stories.  This book is a must read if you are looking for an easy book with a beautiful story of love on many different levels.  

I decided for my last book to go with The Story Teller by Jodi Picoult.  This book was so good, but, of course all of her books are. I love how they all make you think and challenge you as a reader and this one did just that. It challenged me to learn more about the Holocaust as the story takes place in the present, but in the past as well during the Holocaust. The main character Sage has been asked by her new friend to help him die and the twist and turns that come from that one request alone are worth running out to get this book and diving in!  At times this book was so hard for me to read because it would literally make my heart ache and my stomach hurt.  I would have to put it down to take a moment because if you have ever read Jodi Picoult you know how beautifully she writes that your truly feel your characters.  I will say it is hard to figure out at first and you really have to concentrate, but it is so worth it!  If you like learning about the past with a amazing fictional story, this is the book for you!  I highly recommend it.  

Through this journey with my blog, I have discovered the joy of reading again and with that I have decided to read more to my littlest one.  So each month I hope to share with you a children's book he and I are reading together and this month we chose The Dot by Peter Reynolds.  It is a beautiful story about how we all have a creative spirit inside of us....and all it takes is one dot to bring it out.  When I explained the story to Graeme he said to me, "kind of like your blog mommy."  Out of the mouths of babes.  If you have little ones at home this is a neat book and I know they will enjoy it and you will to!

The Dot
By Peter H. Reynolds
Buy on Amazon



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