
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Unforgettable Flank Steak, Wasabi Mashed Potatoes, and Green Salad

Unforgettable Flank Steak, Wasabi Mashed Potatoes, and Green Salad

Do you ever have those days when you just cannot think of anything to make? Happens here all the time as I have three boys who love to eat and a husband who is LITERALLY a human garbage disposal when it comes to food. The man loves his food and when he is fed something he LOVES he NEVER forgets it.

Case in point. Last Wednesday, I was and still am honestly, recovering from John Paul and my amazing trip to New York. Yes, I have yet to blog about our trip, that is coming, but if you missed what took us there you can catch that here: https://worthyheart.com/blog/2018/start-spreading-the-news

My beautiful friend Jen and her amazing husband Jeff!

My beautiful friend Jen and her amazing husband Jeff!

Back to the point- I just could not come up with any dinner ideas. I asked Trey what he felt like and he literally said, "Call Jen Clifton and get that recipe from when we ate at their house." I looked at him and asked, "Are you serious? That was like over a year ago and I know this because she has had a baby and it was before she was pregnant!" He was serious yall! He remembered that it was flank steak and wasabi mashed potatoes! I was like dang! Impressive! So of course I called Jen and the rest is history! 

So today's blog is literally an entire meal! I am happy to report it is pretty darn easy to make and it VERY delicious! So delicious my husband my remembered it 20 months later! Give it a whirl and let me know what you think.

Flank Steak, Wasabi Mashed Potatoes, and Green Salad

I used 1lb flank steak


1/4 cup Coconut Amino Acids or Soy Sauce (I prefer the Amino Acids as a substitute)

2 Tablespoons brown sugar 

Ground fresh Ginger and I did this to taste for my family so I used 1 Tablespoon your family might want more.

I also added 1 garlic clove, minced because we put garlic on darn near EVERYTHING in this family.

Combine all that in a baggie and let it marinade all day or overnight if you can, but at least for 30 minutes.

Grill until desired doneness. Let stand, covered loosely with foil for 10 minutes, before cutting in thin strips against the grain.

Wasabi Mashed Potatoes:

2.5 to 3 Lbs of Russet potatoes 

1/2 cup butter

4 ounces of cream cheese, softened

1/4 to 1/2 cup half and half

1/2 teaspoon Lawrys Seasoned Salt

1 teaspoon black pepper 

Wasabi and Coconut Aminos I use.

Wasabi and Coconut Aminos I use.

Wasabi cream Sauce


Peel your potatoes and place in pot of boiling water. Boil for about 45 minutes or until you can slide a knife through the potato.

Drain water and add butter, cream cheese, cream, salt and pepper. Mash and blend well. Once smooth add as little or as much wasabi as you like for taste. We like a lot, but some people are sensitive. I did about 2 Tablespoons maybe more.


Romaine Lettuce

Untitled design (2).jpg

6- 10 Green onions chopped

1/2 to 1 cup Chopped Broccoli blanched or raw

Raman Noodles crushed up and toasted in butter

Walnuts toasted

Toss all of the above together.

Salad Dressing:

1/2 cup of Vegetable Oil

1/4 cup sugar

1/4 cup red wine vinegar

2 Tablespoons Coconut Amino Acids or Soy Sauce

Blend all together and pour over your salad and toss well.

There you have it. An entire meal and one that people will surely remember! My husband is proof of that!

Bon Apetit!



Hello, World!

Here is the link to my FAVORITE Maxi this summer! I have it in 4 colors! No lie!!!!!



New York State of Mind Part 1

New York State of Mind Part 1

Summer Packing Guide for New York City

Summer Packing Guide for New York City