
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Top Three

Top Three

Hello, World!

It has been a while since I wrote a book review and there are a number of reasons why, but first and foremost is life.  It just happens sometimes and I just don't get to read as much as I like.  Bum Deal!  I know those of you who love a good book just as much as I do get this.  It can be tragic actually.  A good book to me is ALMOST as good for the soul as dancing is.....ALMOST.  I just love to get lost in another world and a world I get to dream and imagine! So after a few friends approached me asking me where is my next book review, I thought I would recap my TOP THREE favorite books of 2017.  One of them I STILL keep trying to imagine what is happening next!  For real it was that good!  I think you will LOVE it too!  So here we go!

Third Place:  Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult

People!  Do you want a book that will make you think?  Do you want a book that will make you angry?  Want a book that will make you cry?  Want a book that will make you smile?  Want a book that will show you people can and do change?  

Then this book is for you!  

I mean seriously, some nights I found myself wanting to jump into the book and shake the daylights out of some of the characters and then other nights I sat up and really thought about some serious topics that are VERY real in today's world.  This book had a profound effect on me and in a very good way...maybe it will on you too.

Second Place: Class Mom by Laurie Gelman

This book was down right knock your socks off funny!  The book was actually PERFECT for me!  I too, like the main character, have a kindergartner and two in high school so I could really relate to her and her thoughts.

This book is an easy read about a mom who has taken on the task of room mom. This is not her first rodeo either as she has two in College and little Max in Kinder.  She makes no bones about what she expects from her classroom moms and dads and she is downright funny about it!  GREAT book to read!  ESPECIALLY if you have a desire to be a room mom, have been a room mom, are a teacher, a principal, or just want to laugh!  I mean OUT LOUD laugh!  HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book!

Class Mom: A Novel
By Laurie Gelman



First Place: It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover

This book was AMAZING!  Remember the one I mentioned above...the one where I am still dreaming stuff up....This is it!!!!  Oh my, I was in tears at the end and honestly I could NOT put this book down.  

If  you like a good love story, you will like this one. It's just you find that sometimes Love comes with a price. Oh my, I did not want this book to end.

I am so proud of Lily the main character,  and I know you will be too. Do yourself a favor an order the book. I promise it will not let you down!

It Ends with Us: A Novel
By Colleen Hoover

So there you have it!  My top three books for 2017!  What were some of your favorites?  I would love to know!  Please share and comment and maybe I will read your favorite book of 2017 in 2018!




Sister Up!

Sister Up!

Meet Sarah....A Little Girl With $14 and a Heart the Size of Heaven

Meet Sarah....A Little Girl With $14 and a Heart the Size of Heaven