Reflecting on the Joyful week of Advent
Week 3 of Advent has come to a close, and oh, the JOY! As we inch closer to the birth of Christ, Love takes center stage. If you missed any part of our journey, catch up on the blog here:
Advent Journey
Week 1 Hope
Week 2 Peace
Now onto Week 3!
This past week was a symphony of Joy, and let's take a moment to recap the highlights.
Day 13: Jeremiah 31:31-34 A life changing promise! God, feeling the strain in His relationship with His people, initiates a new covenant—a foreshadowing of Christ's sacrifice, stupid grace, and an overwhelming sense of joy and love.
Day 14: Ezekiel 36:24-28 Amidst the heartache of poor choices, God, as always, is on a mission to rescue. A reassuring reminder that God relentlessly pursues us, even when our hearts are made of stone. Rejoice, for you are worthy!
Day 15: Zechariah 6:12-13, Hebrews 7:17-22 A vision of Jesus as our eternal connection to God—a vine sustaining us with life. The metaphor of Melchizedek in Hebrews, a priest and king, reminds us of Jesus' ministry and the hope for a world restored.
Day 16: Luke 4:16-19, Isaiah 61:1-3 Good news! Jesus, preaching liberation for the oppressed, sick, and sinners—a fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy. Rejoice! Be full of joy for we have the Lord's favor, and we are worthy of it!
Day 17: Isaiah 53, 700 years before Jesus, Isaiah prophesies, connecting dots for God's ultimate plan. Jesus is the light of life, bringing satisfaction, freedom from pain, and forgiveness. What an immense source of joy!
Ignore the typos :) This is Day 17 :)