
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Neighbors, Friends, and Hope

Neighbors, Friends, and Hope

Have you ever heard the saying, "A bad neighbor is a misfortune, as much as a good one is a great blessing?"  It is so true!  I am happy to report I have amazing neighbors and our little block is one of pure love and joy.  Once a month the moms on my block all get together and do a mom's night.  Every once in a while we will change it up and include the family, but for the most part it is about 12 women and we get together and eat, talk, and just share life.  It has been so good for our souls and so good for our street.  Twelve or so mom's getting together and finding out that we are all the same, but yet so different.  Some work, some do not.  Some exercise, some do not.  Some like wine, some just drink water.  Some have multiple kids, some just have one.  Some have kids out of colleges, while others still have kids in the womb- the list goes on and on of differences, but what we do have in common are the same fears and dreams for our families and we all understand the joy of doing for others.  

Last month after our last get together I started putting ideas out there of what we could do for April.  Oddly about the same time, I read a post on the book of face (facebook) from a lady who was collecting bags for mom's in the hospital on Mom's day with their sick kiddos:


Many mothers are going to spend their first and last mothers day sitting at the bedside of their children who are medically fragile and terminally ill.

Help Hope's Seed to bring mothers day to these mother's at children medical center Dallas.


We need gift bags full of items like lotion, toothbrush, dry shampoo, chapstick, pens, notepads, anything at all that a mom would need while in the hospital with their child. Let's all bring some sunshine into these mothers lives on Mothers day this year.

I will PPU all you have to do is get your friends together, church groups, girls scouts, mothers day out or just on your own. I will pick up and deliver to children's medical center on your behalf.

Deadline for PPU is May 10th


I had never heard of Hope's Seed, but I had done enough work with my "Cancer Mom's" in the past to know that this was an amazing idea.  I immediately sent out the text to the group asking if they would like to do this.  You guys, my friends/neighbors went above and beyond!  EVERYONE jumped in and everyone contributed; even if they could not be there the night I had chosen to build the gift bags.  My amazing sister in-law, Erin, donated gift bags, ribbon, and adorable stickers from her stationary business at: https://www.etsy.com/shop/erinshelby

I made my neighbor, Amy's tortilla soup! If you missed that post you can find the recipe  here: https://worthyheart.com/blog/2018/4/28/amys-tortilla-soup-modified-for-this-amys-tastebuds   Some of the mom's bought other nibbles and wine and together we built 50 adorable bags of love.  We had fellowship, we had laughs, we had food, we had wine, and we all counted our blessings because God willing we will be home on mother's day with our healthy kiddos.  It was such a great night, so easy, and we all felt so good inside!  We were all happy and full!  Full of love, full of joy, and full of hope for these mommies!

Grandpa joined in on the food and fellowship!  #luckyguy

Grandpa joined in on the food and fellowship!  #luckyguy

I began learning long ago that those who are the happiest are those who do the most for others.
— Booker T. Washington

We enjoyed this evening so much that one of the mom's came up with the idea of "Cause a Quarter"!  I love that!  Once a quarter Milton Mama's will be giving back!  How fun is that and how blessed am I to have such amazing neighbors!  Not only neighbors, but friends!  Each one of these ladies has a story and beautiful story and each one of these ladies has a heart a beautiful heart!  To top it off each one of these ladies I can personally call my friend!  

A sweet friendship refreshes the soul
— Proverbs 27:9

So as Mother's Day approaches I want to take a moment to thank my neighbors/friends for being who they are!  I want to tell each one of them you are Amazing!  You are Strong!  You are Loving!  You are Happy!  You are Selfless!  You are Graceful!  And you are Special!  Happy Mother's Day to 12 amazing ladies and Happy Mother's day to all Moms!  Because after all, Mom's are like buttons, they hold everything together!

If you want to learn more about Hope's Seed go to: http://hopesseed.com/ and later this week, Shelley, the founder of Hope's Seed will be sharing her story as to why she started Hope's Seed.  Stay tuned because it is a story you will not want to miss!  

Bags of love produced by some amazing women!  Women I call my friends!  #luckygirl

Bags of love produced by some amazing women!  Women I call my friends!  #luckygirl

Until next time!



Hello, World!

Mother's day is fast approaching!  Here are some beauty gift ideas!

Hello, World!

Don't forget your moms!  Click the link above and find her something to make her day EXTRA special!


The Curse That Cannot Be Reversed

The Curse That Cannot Be Reversed

Amy's Tortilla Soup Modified for This Amy's Tastebuds

Amy's Tortilla Soup Modified for This Amy's Tastebuds