
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Salty but Sweet!

Salty but Sweet!

I was really worried about Thanksgiving this year with it being the first year without mom, but I have to say it was really ok!  It was Salty but sweet!  Luckily for me,  we have been doing Thanksgiving with Trey's side of the family for over 6 years now.  It is kind of what I am use to so mom really was never with me.  Maybe that made it easier.  I don't know, but I can tell you I am just thankful for how wonderful it was. 

Typical family photo for us!

Typical family photo for us!

We took the boys out of school early....shhhhh....don't tell!  And we headed to Inlet Beach, Florida.  For those of you not familiar with Inlet, it is in the 30a area and right next door to Rosemary Beach.  You guys it is GORGEOUS!  The entire area is stunning and really a neat place.

This is what I woke up to for 6 days!  Heaven right!

This is what I woke up to for 6 days!  Heaven right!

The water is AMAZING and you can see 10 feet down!  I swear!  The stingrays would swim right up to the shoreline and it was so fun to watch!  We got lucky with the weather this year as it was warm enough to swim.  We spent most of the 6 days on the beach with our toes in the sand building all kinds of unique sand objects  and making all kinds of memories. Graeme, our six year old, made a little friend the very first day and they had so much fun the entire week!  This trip was just what my soul needed as my heart has been missing my mom so much. 

I did not know how I would feel about not cooking the "traditional" Thanksgiving dinner, but let me just tell you, IT WAS AWESOME!  There was no stress and the food we ate was UNBELIEVABLE.  We ate at Fish out of Water, which is part of the Watercolor Inn and Resort, on Thanksgiving day and they knocked it out of the ballpark.  It was not necessarily traditional, but it was so good!  Take a look at some of these photos of our dessert options!  Delish!  If you ever go to Watercolor I highly suggest Fish Out of Water.

We may have not of  had the traditional Thanksgiving meal, but in true Berry form we carried on our tradition of "Grubba Guitar!"  Grubba Guitar is a holiday tradition The Foley side (my side of the family) and the Berry side started doing after every family holiday gathering. I am proud to say we have been doing it since Trey and I were married in 2000!  So 17 years of this amazing family memory.  Everyone looks forward to it and it is really a great time full of lots of fun!  Here are some pictures of "Grubba Guitar" Thanksgiving 2017.

So as you can see from my pictures above, Thanksgiving this year was spectacular.  Sure we had moments, but all and all, this Thanksgiving is one that will go down in the record books.  We swam, we fished, we ate, we sang, we shopped, and we made memories!  Now that is something to be Thankful for and I am so Thankful!  Especially for my Party of 5!  

Berry....Party of 5

Berry....Party of 5



Yummy, Healthy, Pasta!  Say What?

Yummy, Healthy, Pasta! Say What?

The First Family Tree

The First Family Tree